If you are starting from scratch and at this point know nothing about his military career, you'll need to do what you can, working from the general to the specific, to determine what Air Force, then Group, then Squadron he served with. You'll have an easier time of it if you have a basic understanding of the Army-Air Force's structure during WWII. Know that what most younger people think of as "the Air Force" was a branch of the United States Army (ie, it was not a separate military unit) known at the beginning of the War as the "Army Air Corps' (USAAC) and after 9 March 1942 as 'The Army Air Force" (USAAF). The table below presents a rundown of the different name changes and structural changes the 'Air Force' has undergone with the WWII names in red.
1 August 1907 United States Army Signal Corps Aeronautical Division
18 July, 1914 United States Army Aviation Section
24 May 1918 United States Army Air Service
1926 United States Army Air Corps (USAAC)
9 March 1942 United States Army Air Force (USAAF)
26 July 1947 United States Air Force (USAF)

The USAAC or USAAF was itself organized into various divisions.

Major Groupings:

Often abbreviated as:

United States Army Air Corps
United States Army Air Force


Air Force


Air Division (in some Air Forces)

Wing (in some Air Forces; generally 4 to a Division)

Group (generally 4 to a Wing)

Generally: Gp
Bombardment Group (or 'Bomb Group): BG
Fighter Group: FG

Squadron (generally 4 to a Group)

SQ or or Sqd or Sqdn

BS=Bomb Squadron (in Bomb Groups)

FS=Fighter Squadron (in Fighter Groups)

To get your Vet's unit information, you'll need to know which specific air force, group, or squadron he was with. The more specific you get here, the more particular information you'll be able to come up with.
