From an email sent by Eric
W. Yeager, MSgt, USAF, grandson of William H. Yeager in the photon. He
writes, "Here is a photo of him with his crew. My gradfather was SSG
William H
Yeager and a waist gunner on the B24 Lucky Lucille. His Air Medal
Citation dates are 28 Sep 1943 to 7 Dec 1943. The picture was taken 26
February 1944, The picture is 43G -204B so We believe that is the 43
Bomb group and the 64th Bomb Squadron. He enlisted into the Army Air
Forces on 8 Sep 1942, after the maxium age was raised. He graduated
from Aircraft Armorers Technical Training School on January 9th, 1943
at the age of 33. I have a letter he sent from Ardmore Army Air
in Oct 1944. William was honorably discharged in May 1945." |